2014 Annual Meeting Sept. 29-30, San Diego, CA
The National Certified Public ManagerĀ® Consortium held their Annual meeting in San Diego, California on September 29-30, 2014. Significant actions taken by the membership include approving the Initial Accreditation of 2 Certified Public ManagerĀ® programs and the Continued Accreditation of four other programs. In addition, the membership elected new leadership for the coming year.
Initial Accreditation was granted to the following programs:
- U.S. Virgin Islands: University of the Virgin Islands/The Government of the Virgin Islands
- Washington: University of Washington Tacoma, KeyBank Professional Development Center
Continued Accreditation was granted to the following programs (year of initial accreditation):
- Alabama: Alabama Training Institute, Auburn University at Montgomery (2008)
- District of Columbia: Government of the District of Columbia (1998)
- Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments: Metro. Washington Council of Governments (2003)
- Utah: Dept. of Human Resource Management, State of Utah (1989)
Click here for photos.
Active Status was granted to Massachusetts: Bridgewater State University
The membership also elected new officers to lead the organization for the next year:
Chair: Mary R. Hamilton, School of Public Administration, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Vice Chair: Mary DeLorenzo, The New Mexico EDGE, Mexico State University
Secretary: Charles Taylor, Bowen Center for Public Affairs, Ball State University
At-large: Cheryl Robertson, Workforce Development Administration, District of Columbia
Ann Cotten, Maryland, Schaefer Center for Public Policy, University of Baltimore
They join existing At-large members of the Executive Council:
Patricia Hoppe, Nevada State Department of Personnel
Leslie Meadow, Alabama Training Institute, Auburn University Montgomery
Dennis Martino, Bureau of Training & Education, State of New Hampshire