National CPM Consortium Holds Annual Business Meeting in Baltimore

November 01, 2016 4:28 PM | Anonymous

The National Certified Public Manager® Consortium held their Annual business meeting in Baltimore, Maryland on October 25, 2016. Significant actions taken by the membership include approving the Continued Accreditation of three Certified Public Manager®(CPM) programs; granting Active Member status to one program. Associate Member status to three programs and electing new leadership for the coming year.

Continued Accreditation for five years was granted to the following programs (year of initial accreditation):

·         Arkansas: Arkansas Public Administration Consortium, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Institute of Government (1991)
·         Indiana: Ball State University Bowen Center for Public Affairs (2011)
·         South Carolina: South Carolina Department of Administration Division of State Human Resources (1996)

Active Member Status was granted to:
·      The Netherlands: Leiden University (the first program outside the U.S. and its territories to request this status).
·       Massachusetts: Bridgewater University granted one year extension

Active status permits a program to begin to implement the program

Associate Member Status was granted to the following CPM programs:
·       Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension
·      Louisiana: University of New Orleans
·       Michigan: Saginaw State University College of Business & Management

Associate status is the first step to full accreditation. Associate members receive a mentor to assist them with planning a program.

The membership also chose new officers and executive council members to lead the organization for the next year:

Chair:                    Charles Taylor, Bowen Center for Public Affairs, Ball State University
Chair-Elect:         Cheryl Robertson, Workforce Development Administration, District of Columbia
Secretary:            Dennis Martino, New Hampshire CPM Program
At-large:           Hector Zelaya, Bob Ramsey Executive Education, Arizona State University
Ellen Freeman-Wakefield, University of Nebraska Omaha
Stephanie Duncan, SC State Budget and Control Board's Division of Human Resources

The following members of the Executive Council will remain on the board to complete the second year of a two-year term:

Past Chair:   Mary De Lorenzo, The New Mexico EDGE, Mexico State University
Treasurer:     Ann Cotten, Schaefer Center for Public Policy, University of Baltimore
At-large:        Jolie Busby, Arkansas Public Administration Consortium, University of Arkansas Little Rock
                       Kathleen Beaumont, KeyBank Professional Development Center, University of Washington Tacoma
                       Shondra Houseworth, Mississippi State Personnel Board

Finally, the consortium welcomed a new administrative team lead by Patty Morgan of Red Shoe Solutions of Boise, ID. Patty and her partner, Randy Morgan, will provide administrative support services for the consortium beginning on November 1, 2016.

The board thanked the team of Peggy Stewart and Tom Scott for their 4 years of service and wished them well in their retirement. Chair Mary DeLorenzo noted that their efforts resulted in a dramatic improvement in the maturity and capacity of the organization to achieve its mission.

Click Here for more photos from the event.

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